Whilst enjoying a little Proenza perusal this weekend, I came across the most beautiful piece of furniture I have ever seen. No shock here, considering every time I leave Barney's, I am declaring I have just witnessed 'the most beautiful (insert item here) ever.'
Check it out, it's made of horns/antlers. You're welcome.
After the initial shock of this beauty wore off, I decided to add a little superior to my own interior, considering I would not be adding this animal seat to my home. I thought to myself, 'Self, what would make your mantel more awesome?'
Another. Animal Head.
This one lives above my fireplace right now. Instead of replacing it, I'm just adding another....
This mosaic cow will reside directly above my current skull (sorry plates, later)
I just ordered another head, so the crafting will commence soon after. Pics to follow!
Monday is almost over, what are you wearing tomorrow?