Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clothing Hiatus

The title of this post is not to insinuate that I am tearing around NYC in the buff. I digress that my blog has segued from 'clothes I love' to 'shit I need', at a disturbing rate. Who am I? Am I wearing lululemon to work? 
I used to say things like, 'OMG Tom Ford.' Now, my vocab consists of , 'John, hide those cords.'

We've made a ton of progress in our new marital shack and everything is grand. Save for the discovery of the FIRST HUSBANDS CLUB next door. If they ruin one more episode of 'It's a Brad, Brad World' for me...I'm going to hurl a bucket of water over the terrace fence and directly on to their flaming grill. Nothing makes a Wall St. schmuck madder than ruining his lamb chop. 
Big thanks to Emily Clark for the image that sums up my existence and for Dominique for the stealthy plan of attack on the next meeting of the Douche-bag Committee.

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